Final Part 1 of 2
Class/Self Evaluation
What did I like about this class?
What I like about this class is the time i get to spend learning new things like new medical or non-medical career pathway's that I have learned about, and the student success statements I have learned in my previous lessons. But somethings I didn't like about the class is that some of my class member's would never stop fooling around making the rest of the class stay in after school making me late for any discussions at my band practice I attend too. And I don't like the time given when having to create a new post because when i am doing my reflection it turns out i only have 2 or 1 more minute to complete my reflection after it was assigned to us no longer than 3 minutes ago.
Suggestions to improve the class
I would like more time for completing my posts.
Did I try My very best in this class?
I believe I have because i have completed all my assignments
Am I committed to being a CTR student?
I am very commited to being a CTR student 24 hours a day 7 days a week.